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ESTAPLACE.COM IMMEUBLES - LISTES GRATUITE! - est un portail et annuaire internationale pour l’achat, la vente ou la location des biens immobiliers et une place virtuelle où les propriétaires et les acheteurs peuvent se rencontrer et les agences immobilières peuvent offrire leurs propriétés aux acheteurs du monde entier. Si vous souhaitez vendre votre immeuble, n’hésitez pas à insérer une annonce tout de suite. Si vous êtes un acheteur vous pouvez trouver la maison de vos rêves dans nos annonces!

Cherchez par mot clés ou par localité.

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The most Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that hasn't been answered here in this section, you could contact us through the contact form.


How can I sign up to add my listings?
How many listings can I add?
I'm a big agency, could I upload all my listings in an automatic way?
Can I use html code in my listings or articles?
I'm not too expert with your site, can I send the listings via e-mail?
Could I have information about your statistics, site traffic?
What it is the difference between articles and listings?
Are the articles free to add, can I promote myself with articles?
Are you an agent, what can you tell us about competition?

The Answers

How can I sign up to add my listings?
You can sign up and starting to add your listings, going to the sign up page, click on "Add your Listing", and after click on the "Sign Up Now" link.

How many listings can I add?
You can add all listings you need, there aren't limitation for this.

I'm a big agency, could I upload all my listings in an automatic way?
Yes it is possible, but in these case, you have to contact us via e-mail, to decide how to procede, our webmaster can help you to list all your listings in an automatic way, importing texts and photos from your database, files.

Can I use html code in my listings or articles?
You cannot use all html codes, but a few codes are allowed, the allowed html codes are: (links), , , , you are free to use these codes, if you will use other codes, you will not see any effect.

I'm not too expert with your site, can I send the listings via e-mail?
Of course, it is nice if you learn to use our site, it is full of fuctions, but we understand not all people are able with the computer, and too complicated sites, so if you have difficulties, don't esitate to contact us via e-mail, and you can send the listings with photos via e-mail. We will be happy to help you, in adding your listings for you.

Could I have information about your statistics, site traffic?
Of course, we haven't nothing to hide, we want to create a clean and honest community/site, for real estate professionals, and this is the reason we decide to public our stats, you can see our public stats here: Public Statistics.

What it is the difference between articles and listings?
Nice question, the articles are information about localities, activities, suggestions, they are tutorials, and similar texts. Listings are related to the offers, real estates, rentals, travel packages.

Are the articles free to add, can I promote myself with articles?
Yes, of course you can add unlimited articles, it is free, but you cannot add real estate listings or rental listings in the article sections. You can use the article section to promote yourself, your site and also your listings.

Are you an agent, what can you tell us about competition?
This is a good question, we aren't agents, or real estate agencies, Estaplace is owned by an Internet company, so we aren't in competition with the agents which list on our site. Our work is to help you to have the best experience with Internet, we don't sell real estate, or rent properties, or own travel agencies. We are an Internet Services Company.

[ ROME - 21/Février/2025 04:26:48 ] Il y a 24802 annonces au total. Hier, le trafic sur Estaplace Immeubles a été de: 7082 visitateurs uniques avec 470186 pages vues.

We accept, payments through bank wire, western union and credit cards with PayPal or Bankpass: PayPal Gateway Bankpass Gateway Visa Card MasterCard American Express Diners Card Jcb Credit Card PostaPay Maestro Pago Bancomat Hosted by est un site de services appartenant au réseau crée par Giovanin Ceglia, qui travail dans le secteur des services informatiques, Internet et de hébergement/hosting. met à disposition de ses clients un catalogue d’immeubles situés dans le monde entier, avec des milliers d’annonces immobilières divisées et classifiées par pays, région et catégories. Le matériel, la structure et la présentation graphique dans ce site sont de propriété © Copyright de de Giovanni Ceglia, situé en via Trento N. 74 Palazzina I, Pagani (Salerno) - Italie.

Giovanni Ceglia travaille dans le secteur de l’informatique depuis 2002. En 2005 il se met à son propre compte pour offrire des services innovateurs dans le secteur Informatique et Internet pour la commercialisation en-ligne de produits de plusieurs secteurs différents en employant les outils les plus innovateurs pour le commerce électronique. L’activité de Giovanni Ceglia comprend principalement la fourniture de services Internet, tel que les services de Hébergement de sites, Registration des Domaines, Consultation Informatique, et Consultation pour le Marketing en-ligne en Italie. Giovanni Ceglia a investi dans la création de portails pour les petites annonces économiques pour les particuliers et les sociétés, disponible tous les jours et pour créer des services toujours meilleurs et plus fonctionnels.